Would you join us on Friday, May 31 and host a Green Out Event?
Time engaging with green at parks, in the forest, even tending to house plants is a natural mood booster. The Mental Health Community Committee wants to end Mental Health
Awareness Month celebrating mental wellness by asking Centre County residents to take an active measure to nurture their mental wellness by engaging with the green.
When: Friday, May 31, 2019
Time: Any time of day and any length of time that works for your organization
Where: Wherever you like
What: Any activity that connects people in some form to nature. Examples might include hosting a planting session, leading a hike, hosting an activity at the park, painting a nature scene.
Why: Because we want Centre County residents to nurture their mental health
Let us know if you will be a host by signing up here.
Questions please contact Jeannine Lozier at jlozier@mountnittany.org or 814.231.7140.