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A More Father Friendly System

Jeff Steiner, Executive Director | Dads’ Resource Center

The Strong Families Commission was established to address the various attitudes, policy and procedural impediments that delay the successful recognition of the importance of fathers to the proper development of their children. The Commission has identified barriers to father involvement and will propose policy and legislative proposals in number of areas. A

summary of their finding and recommendations:

Administration of Justice and Public Safety. Countless fathers face stigma because of their interactions with the justice system, and fathers do not always understand their “rights and responsibilities” as it relates to the support of their children. The Commission recommends that the three branches of government factor fatherhood into state legislation, judicial rules and procedures, and department regulations.

Behavioral Health. Behavioral health policy makers typically do not prioritize father involvement, and their professional staff often lack training on how to engage fathers. The Commission recommends that Pennsylvania Department of Health consider a paradigm shift that recognizes the importance of fathers in behavior health treatment and services.

Child Support Services and Enforcement. The child support system does not adequately take into account the circumstances of many noncustodial parents. The Commission recommends that the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, Bureau of Child Support Enforcement improve data collection and exchange of father income, reform policies impacting credit reports and adopt family-centered program initiatives.

Dependent, Delinquent and Children and Youth. Biases toward fathers among professionals and heavy caseloads. The Commission recommends that the Department of Human Services should ensure that gender equality is a priority and that there is a proper allocation of resources.

Early Childhood Development. Early childhood education providers do not typically engage fathers. The Commission recommends that the Department of Education explicitly support fathers in services to children and families.

Additional areas that commission has made recommendations include Education, Employment and Training, Housing and Homelessness, Parent Education and Support Services, and Public Health.

The Commission will forward its finding and final recommendations to the Governor and select members of his cabinet, every member of the state assembly, Justices of the State Supreme Court and Lead Judges in Family Courts throughout the state in the hope that they will take the lead in creating a more father friendly system.

This initiative is the first step. We need our state government to support parental equality within family matters and to remove the systemic barriers to contributions that fathers can make toward the well-being of children. We also need to create an ongoing entity that will partner with the government to ensure that all parents are treated equitably moving forward and that our children are the benefactors of such practice.

This is a role that the Dads’ Resource Center strives to play here in Centre County, and endeavors to expand our reach throughout the state.


Centre County Council for Human Services
P.O. Box 1064
State College, PA 16804-1064

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